I- Identification

This website (www.fowlerinstruments.com) is property of Fowler Instruments SLU, called in the rest of this document "Owner", registered on C/Pacheco y Nuñez de Prado 38 2ºB y CIF B90300351.

In accordaüce with the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) (Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de La Información y del Comercio Electrónico (LSSICE), we inform you that the ownership of the domain of our website, www.fowlerinstruments.com, belongs to Fowler Instruments S.L.,a legally constituted society in Spain VAT B90300351 and registered in the Mercantil Registery of Sevilla el 13/01/2017, Tomo 6308, Libro 0, Folio 100, Sección 8, Hoja 112193, Inscripción.

II- Intellectual Property

All contents of this website, images, logos, grphics, texts, etc as well as the name of the domain www.fowlerinstruments.com are property of the Owner, or has got permission or rights of the actual owner, and they are protected under international laws about Intellectual Properties.

Its allowed the use of hyperlinks to this website and the use or reproduction, complete or partial, not-for-profit, of its contents if you mention the owner and you set an hyperlink to this website, and in cases allowed in article 31 a 34 of the "Ley de Propiedad Intelectual (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, de 12 de abril)". It is forbidden the use of frames or another ways to hide the origin of this contents and any use, changes of them with financial purposes or to damage the image of this company.

III- Protection of Personal Data

By browsing this website, you automatically give to the server of this website, information about your IP, Date and time's access, hiperlink who linked you, OS and navigator. Notwithstanding what the Agencia Española de Protección de datos (APD) consider the IP as a Personal Data, the Owner can´t by his own, and he doesn’t have that intention unless this IP makes any injury, information about the owner of that internet conection. These Data would be saved and used just to control and make access and visit’s statistics to the web, and never would be given to third parties.

This web just use Cookies with navigation pupouses and always under consent.

IV- Limitation of liability

All contents of this website are shown for informative purposes only. They are not and don’t displeace any professional consulting, thats why the Owner disclames any liability, direct or incidential, that could happend when using the info shown in this website out of that popouses

The links (Hiperlinks) or contens of third parties that are shown in this web are given with the simple purpouse of extend the information or just to give our point of view. The owner could just be liable under what is writen in the Law 34/2002, 11 July, from Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico,when after having effective knowledge of its illegality or that could damage someone else, doesn’t remove them.

The owner doesnt guarantee the fiability, availability or continuity of this website and its contents by tecnical, security, control or maintenance reasons, by failures on the server or informatic sistems attacs, and for any other problems that could happen that are out of his control, this is why the Owner disclames any liability, direct or incidential, by those reasons

V- Changes und updates

The Owner could make, at any moment and without the must to give a message in advance, changes and updates of the information shown on the website, its configuration, availability and this Operating Conditions

VI- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Related issues with the use of this website or it contents, shall be governed by this Operating Conditions and the Spanish Law, submiting the parties under the jurisdiction of the Sevilla Courts (Spain), with an express waiver to any other jurisdiction.